“O Lord, let Your ear be attentive to the prayer of this Your servant and to the prayer of Your servants who delight in reverie Your Name. Give Your servant success today by granting Him favor…” Nehemiah 1:11

This is the prayer of Nehemiah who led the third return to Jerusalem after the exile in Babylon and who also led the rebuilding of the walls of the city, completing it in a miraculous 52 days. He calls out to God on behalf of the exiles who are now facing great trouble and disgrace as they return to the plundered city of Jerusalem. Nehemiah calls for God’s attentiveness to not only his prayers, but also to the prayers of all believers. Nehemiah asks for God to give them success and His favor.

This is a wonderful prayer for all of God’s people to be given every day. God is always attentive to us when we call out to Him and it is His desire to give us success and His favor. Nevertheless, He wants us to ask for this. He wants us to come to Him in the act of prayer knowing that prayer strengthens our faith and directs us to His will.

We might feel like exiles in this fallen world where we face great trouble and disgrace. How wonderful to know that our God is mindful of us, is attentive to our prayers and grants us true, everlasting success and favor. God indeed hears us because Jesus Christ, like Nehemiah, has interceded for us through His death and Resurrection and continues to do so in order that we may know the full blessings of God Who is always able to rebuild us in the faith!

Know that you are loved!

Peace and Joy,
Pastor Kilian