“His Name is the Word of God” Revelation 19:13

From the Greek, “Logos” meaning “word,” embodies a concept or idea. John calls Jesus, “the Word made flesh,” stating that Jesus is more than an idea, but rather the actual essence come into reality. Jesus shows us God and is the perfect incarnation of the deity. More than that, He displays the nature of God in love. The love of God came to us in Jesus Who died and rose again so that we might have forgiveness and life.

Words that form language are a wonderful tool and necessity for every community. Through words we are able to express our thoughts clearly in order to communicate, and as we do, we progress for good or ill. Holy Scripture communicates God’s plan for us and His will in our lives. Yet, the central theme of the Bible always comes down to Jesus. He is God’s great communication to humanity. Unfortunately, many don’t want to hear or shut their ears to His life-giving Word. Even as Christians we are not immune to the temptation to listen to our own voices before God’s. So He comes to us by His Spirit and whispers into our hearts His love and plans, and softens us to His communication.

As we listen to the Lord, we hear a message of love for us each day.

Know that you are loved!

Peace and Joy,

Pastor Kilian