(Jesus said) “…I AM the Good Shepherd…” John 10:11
Perhaps the Good Shepherd image is the most beloved portrait of Jesus from Scripture. He depicts His loving attributes as a guide, protector, provider and healer so well. There is a strength and gentleness that comes together so beautifully for He is not just a “shepherd,” but the “Good Shepherd.” He is not simply a hired hand, but the One Who is intimately concerned and connected to His sheep, all of us.
The image finds its description best in the beloved 23rd Psalm where we are told that He leads us to green pastures and still waters, that He restores our souls and even sees us through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, because He has already gone through the passage. Beyond this, He has prepared the Heavenly banquet for our benefit when we reach our final destination. And because He has done so, “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalm 23:6
What great encouragement and confidence Jesus’ I AM statement gives us this day and always! He will be with us…forever! And even though we are defenseless, wayward sheep, He will always care for us!
Know that you are loved!
Peace and Joy!
Pastor Kilian