“And He Who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.” Romans 8:27

The verse above is the following verse of the one used in yesterday’s Daily Devotional. It tells us that although the Spirit “groans” on our behalf, which suggests something audible, God already knows the mind of the Spirit. They are that close and interconnected! It is this same Spirit that intercedes for us before God even as He Himself is God.

It is a great comfort to know that the Spirit also knows what is in our hearts. He knows our deepest desires, needs and wants. This is assuring, even as it is a bit overwhelming. Our hearts are not always pure. We often think things we should not and desire that which is evil. Nevertheless, the emphasis is on those thoughts that are good and right and acceptable to God, even as tainted as they may be. Accordingly, the Spirit intercedes in regard to that which is in God’s will. He takes what is good from our hearts and brings them to God, and then forgives all that is evil or not in accordance with the will of God and removes them from us as far as the east is from the west. Then, God forgets all about them! I’m so grateful He does!

The Spirit serves as a Holy filter, removing the impurities and leaving that which is pure and holy. Despite our fallen nature, God is good and finds that which is pleasing in us even unto the day when He fully completes us in His grace.

Know that you are loved!

Peace and Joy,
Pastor Kilian